Essential Oils I used during recovery…
Last post I wrote for you guys I covered all of (or at least most) of the supplements I used and have been using for recovery and healing on my leg since my injury. Go HERE to see that one if you haven’t read it yet.
I wanted to break it up so it was less to digest as far as info so in this post let’s go over the different essential oils I used at different stages of my recovery and rehab.
I still (and hopefully will forever) vividly remember everything about the day I shattered my leg in Orlando. It was a sunny, warm day even though it was early spring so everyone was out at the pool hanging out with their kids. It was the first day of the conference I was supposed to speak at so everyone was getting checked in and hitting the pool area before the sessions started that night.
That’s why I was out there with our older 2 kiddos. The babies were supposed to be sleeping in our hotel room with my mother-in-law and Cindy was getting ready for the night. I had been talking to and hanging out with friends from all over the world out by the pool while Ellie & Harper swam.
Harper came and asked to go do the FloRider (wave surfing machine) and I was like, “Let’s do it!!”. The rest as they say is “History”.
So even though Young Living essential oils are a part of every area of our lives as a family, this week was even more so because we had already spoke at one event and this was our second oily speaking event on a several week tour we were scheduled to be on. Oils were already front and center on our mind.
When I fell and instantly knew that something was very wrong….I went into triage mode:
“Harper, bring me my shirt and my phone. I need to call your mom”
“Nikki, can you get to my mother-in-law and tell her to keep watch on the babies?”
“Bear, can you grab Ellie and hang on to her for a bit?”
“Clay, bring me a lemonade from the bar so I don’t pass out.”
“Security guy, bring me a wheelchair so I can get to my car to go to the ER.”
For me, emergencies happen in slow motion and I can almost think better in tragedy. I don’t know why….I’m all over the place on a normal day, but the second stuff hits the fan…I’m 100% focused and on point. I’ve always been that way.
The reason I told my friend Clay to bring me a lemonade was because during injury your body requires a huge supply of sugar to fuel your body and get that energy to every system quickly. If you get low….you’ll pass out quickly. I couldn’t afford that.
Now, you could use Ningxia Red for this if you had it by you. That’s why Cindy uses in during her births and we have the packets at the ready all the time. You never know when you’ll need the support.
For Oils right away, the one we really focused on was:
Frankincense: This guy supports every system but I needed it for emotional balance and for nerve/soft tissue/circulation support.
In a scenario like mine where you have a shattered femur it’s not like the Frank is going to put it back together….but don’t underestimate how much help and support each oil gives you in the moment!
Leading up to surgery I needed support for: Anxiety & Stress, Circulation, Pain, and Scar Tissue. So here’s what I used for the month I was at home waiting for my surgery:
- Frankincense: nerve & soft tissue
- Lemongrass: lymph and circulation
- PanAway: discomfort
- Wintergreen: same
- Copaiba: inflammation and soft tissue
- Digize: I was on pain meds and needed to help my gut
- Valor: The stress was intense.
Hmmm, I’m going to have to ask Cindy about this…I was out of it at the time. I know there was more than that. I’ll come back to that.
After surgery my primary focus was pain, stress, and nausea. My biggest go-to’s for me:
- Wintergreen
- Peppermint
- Spearmint
- Valor
Once I got home from the hospital I was still on pain meds so the pain wasn’t really an issue….the thing that I struggled with more than anything else, which was completely NOT like me was anxiety and FEAR.
Like the type of fear that freezes you in your tracks and you can barely breathe. I could hardly do anything at the house and would hardly get out of bed for anything other than the bathroom because I was fighting fear so much.
Fear of re-injuring the leg
Fear of throwing a clot
Fear of pain
Fear of seeing how restricted and injured I really was…it was terrifying.
Fear of one of the kids or Cindy needing me and I physically wouldn’t be able to help them.
Just FEAR…
I had never dealt with that type of anxiety or fear before in my entire life so it blindsided me for sure.
The biggest oil that helped me through this was Palo Santo. I huffed that oil and had that bottle in my hand day and night.
Then I worked with a friend to process through all of the emotion of it and then I utilized:
- Lavender
- Transformation
- Frankincense
- Awaken
- Harmony
- White Angelica
Those blends and singles from Young Living literally brought me back from the pit to being ME. So thankful. I still use part of them consistently depending on stress levels and what I am feeling like.
All through rehab, physical therapy, and even now there are certain ones I have used that have really helped with the soft tissue recovery and response to treatment and for helping manage pain in my journey. Here are some of them:
- Frankincense: topically all over this leg…all the time
- PanAway: depending on where I needed it.
- Deep Relief: lots on my calf and muscles
- Copaiba: love layering it on top of Frankincense
- Cool Azul Oil Blend: love this one a ton
- Cool Azul Pain Cream: was a game changer for me, especially when I started walking again.
- Lemongrass: for scar tissue and circulation
- Cypress: for my circulation
- Endoflex: to help with adrenal stress…both during physical therapy and now just handling my day to day.
Now I am through most of my rehab but still dealing with pain at different times and just day to day function and working out. So lots of the products I am using are the same. I have added in CBD more consistently both internally and as a topical rub too so I’ll be talking about that soon on here.
If you’re not using the products often enough, you’re not going to get the changes you are hoping for. Whether that is physical or emotional. So pick a few products to use and do it often. If you don’t feel like the product is making a big enough change on you, try a different one! There are so many amazing products within Young Living that you will be able to find one that really works for you.
Hope this helps!
Dr. JB
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